Gilles Rasigade bio photo

Gilles Rasigade

PhD Engineer loving technology and humans

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Writing with StackEdit is a real pleasure. Creating a post with is better yet !

Code highlight

Here is a code example

// Comment
function echo(message) {
echo('Hello world!');


By adding the following <script/> tag to the template HTML, all equations are immediately rendered:

Sequence diagrams

StackEdit allows to create extremely easily UML diagrams such as sequences or flows:

Note left of idp: JWT server
client->idp: login
idp->client: token
client->server: /api/user\n+token
server->server: validate token
server->client: {"name":"John"}
Note right of server: OR
server->client: 403 Forbidden

Flow charts

Flow charts are also a great step in describing processes.

st=>start: Start
op=>operation: My Operation
cond=>condition: Yes or No?
