Collatz conjecture
This very first article1 is interesting.
The following formula is obtained by applying times the reverse function to a number :
The problem
The conjecture
This process will eventually reach the number 1, regardless of which positive integer is chosen initially.
Any function of the form:
is defined as a generator for the Syracuse problem because any number leading to a function of this form will fall down to after iterations.
Anytime a number is having the following property, the conjecture is demonstrated:
This means that any number respecting the following equation is validating the conjecture:
The question is then: is there for any number , a fixed number of iteration for leading to a generator function?
If this is the case, the conjecture is demonstrated.
Relation between generators
A generator has several children but a single parent.
Is the following relation truth?
Written, must be copied here
A generator has several children by the application of the function but has a single parent by the application of the same function.
Neutral element
The generator is a neutral element for the function :
- Do we have other neutral elements for the function ?
- Is there a relation between neutral elements and cycles for the function ?
Children of a generator
A generator is having the following children by application of the reverse function of :
What are the values of ?
All odd numbers can be defined with the following form:
Leading to
Thus, what are accepted values of with the following form?
Conclusion A generator of type does not have any children generator.
We can thus simplify the problem. What are values of for leading to:
Conclusion For , only values of of the form are defining valid children generators for.
Conclusion For , only values of of the form are defining valid children generators for .
Based on previous results, we can build the following array
Is there a relation between generators values for consecutive valid odd numbers for a given value?
Conclusion In the array given above, the difference between 2 values on the same row is .
Is there a relation between generators values for consecutive values power of for a given value?
Do we have an equivalence between each ?
If we are observiing the arra accurately, we can extract that if any number of can be expressed with:
Order relation between generators
The following order between generators can be easily extracted from the array: